If you have some issue for reconnecting your WiFi at system startup, then this tip might save you some time.
Indeed there's a known bug in Haiku for WiFi auto connect after boot which is still open.
Below is the workaround if this bug affect your machine.
In order to add a reconnect of your WiFi at boot time, you will need to open a Terminal and modify the "UserBootscript" file, up to the Pe editor with the below :
lpe /boot/home/config/settings/boot/UserBootscript &
Then at the end of the file, add this line :
( sleep 5; /bin/ifconfig /dev/net/networkcard/0 join SSID password ) &
You need to replace :
Or if you have a doubt, you can check your network card in your Terminal:
ls /dev/net/
When you restart your system, your WiFi should now reconnect like a charm !