MariaDB port is available since a few days on Haiku. Give it a try !
Nginx server and PHP can be used as a development server.
The Haiku API documentation is today available through the Haiku Book online version. What about having a local version of this book, as it’s the case for the BeBook ?
Haiku is an open source project meaning you can contribute to it, if you have the skills.
Having icons attached to your Haiku applications is very easy in case of C++ programs. However when it comes to Python or Java applications, things are a little bit more complicated.
A few weeks ago, the usage of the NetBeans IDE was demonstrated to write Java applications under Haiku. Another possibility is to use the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
If you have installed PostgreSQL server on Haiku, you might wondering which SQL clients are available.
When an application is crashing under Haiku, the default choice is to stop the application. But why not creating a debug report which will be raised after to the community ?
If you write Python programs on Haiku, you might already have used a default editor like Pe. However, if you create more complex programs, a great IDE for that is PyCharm Community Edition.