Today’s article will be a long one, on the theme “Behind the Scenes”. We will review how the port of the NifSkope software was done to Haiku.
With the latest GDB available, you can debug applications available via HaikuPorts.
Python offers the possibility to use the Haiku API through PyAPI bindings.
If you need an IDE to build java applications on Haiku, one of the tool available is Apache NetBeans.
If you need to install a SQL database server on Haiku, one option is to use PostgreSQL server.
Java is available on Haiku via the Open JDK package
Today we will review and compare 3 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools available on Haiku.
HaikuPorts is a repository of recipes which is used to compile and make software’s packages for the Haiku operating system.
Qt Creator is not the best IDE if you would like to make some programs for Haiku or to compile existing code on Haiku, as the reference native application for that is Genio today.