Some articles ago, I’ve talked about the Genio development tool. Today I will focus on Paladin which is another native tool to develop programs for Haiku.
We have recently learnt how to compile the official apps from the Haiku sources. Today, we will review how to compile these apps with debugging information in the executables in order to debug them.
Building the whole Haiku system from source is well documented on the official Haiku website. What about compiling or recompiling only one application in the system?
If you decide to write some programs for Haiku or to compile existing code on Haiku, the reference native application for that is Genio today.
Building Haiku from the sources may appear to be a huge task at first sight, as it will build the entire system from scratch.
Having a WebServer and PHP on Haiku can be useful if you would like to use this system as a testing or development platform.
For those who are developping applications for Haiku or porting programs to Haiku, one of the key point is the ability to debug the sources of the program.
If you discovered recently Haiku operating system, you might be interested in making a few programs on it using the Haiku API.