The SVG images can be managed easily under Haiku via some useful commands.
How about installing Bludit on Haiku as a development platform ?
When you open a lot of applications and windows in Haiku, there’s no simple way to hide them all in one click or in one shortcut.
Creating a HPKG package for your application can be done via the haikuporter tool. However in case you don’t want to use haikuporter, the other alternative is to use the “package” command.
In this article we will review how to facilitate the creation of an application icon.
Time to time, Software Updater is failing to synchronize with the latest system packages update.
You can play retrogrames on Haiku via the RetroArch application. But once you start to have several games installed, how to facilitate the launch of a specific game you like ?
In a former article, we have learned how to use Icon-O-Matic to create a nice icon to attach to a program.
If you are using Haiku under virtualization, sometimes it can be necessary to exchange files between the Haiku as guest OS and your host OS.