Haiku documentations

Haiku documentations

  • mdo  DigitalBox
  •   System
  •   December 21, 2024

Haiku is proposing offline and online documentations depending on the area covered.

Documents for new joiners, for those who would like to have a detailed overview of the system, or for developers, this article will give you the shortcuts for each.

If you are new to Haiku, or if you have never opened these documents, I advise you to look at each of them.

They contain interesting information on the system :

Title Description Location
Welcome Welcome to Haiku! /boot/system/documentation/welcome/welcome_en.html
Quick Tour Haiku Quick Tour /boot/system/documentation/welcome/en/quicktour.html
User Guide The Haiku User’s Guide /boot/system/documentation/userguide/en/contents.html

Note : copy/paste the location into WebPositive to have a quick access to these offline HTML documents.

If you are a developer or a graphic designer, you can check the below documents about the API, but also the guidelines about the icon design or the coding.

Most of these documents are online only:

Title Description Location
Haiku Book The Haiku API Book https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/api/
BeBook The BeBook API /boot/system/documentation/BeBook/index.html
Icon Guidelines Guidelines for designing icons https://www.haiku-os.org/development/icon-guidelines
Coding Guidelines Guidelines for coding https://www.haiku-os.org/development/coding-guidelines
Haiku Internals Internals documentations https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/develop/
Github apps sources Haiku apps sources https://github.com/haiku/haiku/tree/master/src/apps
Haiku Porter Haiku Porter build recipe https://github.com/haikuports/haikuports/wiki/HaikuPorter-BuildRecipes

Note : the Haiku Book is online only compared to the BeBook because it's not yet finalized.

The github apps sources can be of great interest, because you will discover how they interact with the Haiku API.

The Haiku Internals area is containing various information about the kernel, the drivers, the package management, the kits, ... I let you discover in details this one.

Any other online or offline documentation you would like to share ?

You can indicate it by commenting just below.

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