In case you need your favorite application to be accessible directly by typing its name in the Terminal, you will know how to master the PATH system variable.
Indeed in some cases, an application is not always at the application folder level and need an additional setup.
We can take as an example the nice Genio C++ IDE application.
If you type Genio in the Terminal, it will not be recognized by default even if you have installed it via Haiku Depot.
The reason behind is that "Genio" executable is not in the "/system/apps/" folder but in the directory "/system/apps/Genio/".
Here is how to add this directory recognized in the Terminal.
Edit the "profile" file available in "/boot/home/config/settings" with Pe editor :
lpe /boot/home/config/settings/profile &
Then add the below line at the end of this file :
export PATH=$PATH:/boot/system/apps/Genio/
Then relaunch a Terminal and type :
You should see Genio app launched directly :
Don't forget to use next time the "profile" file !