Passwords with KeePassXC

Passwords with KeePassXC

  • mdo  DigitalBox
  •   Ports
  •   November 10, 2024

KeePassXC is an application to handle passwords.

As it is developed in C++ and using the Qt framework, it runs natively on Linux, macOS and Windows, but also on our favorite system Haiku :)

To install KeePassXC, go into HaikuDepot and search for keepass in the "all packages" tab :

Proceed with install. When you launch the application for the first time, it display the below main window :

Select "Create new database". Then enter the "Database Name" you would like to create :

The format will be "kdbx", select "Continue" :

Indicate a password which will be required the next time you open the application and the corresponding database :

Confirm with Done. Then indicate the folder where the passwords database will be saved :

Once done, the database is empty without any entry :

Click on the "+" sign to add a new entry :

For each entry, indicate :

  • The title
  • The username
  • The password

The URL is an optional entry, but if you enter it, then the icon with the disk on the right will download the icon representing the website.

In case you want to specify a dedicated icon for each password entry, you can select one in the "Icon" section :

Please note these nice icons are from Haiku :)

You can also check for an entry its modification history :

In case you need to copy/paste a password for an entry, select it :

Then right-click and select "Copy Password" or use Alt+C :

After that you can paste the password in the corresponding website or application. You can also customize the application settings.

If you want an icon in the Deskbar for KeePassXC, tick "show a system tray icon":

As you can see a dark icon is now visible in the Deskbar :

You can also use the "Password Generator" :

It will allow you to create any kind of password with the length and the characters you would like to use :

That's it !

You are now able to access any KeePass database directly in Haiku, but also handle any modification needed.

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