If you already have done photos with a Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR), the best format to store your photos is the RAW.
However when you need to convert or adjust this kind of photos, you need a dedicated software.
RawTherapee is one of them and has been ported to the Haiku system.
To install RawTherapee, it's very easy.
In Haiku Port, type "rawt" and select the RawTherapee entry in the "All packages" tab :
The first time you launch the software, it display the main window below :
You need to indicate where your RAW photos are located.
For the demonstration, I have created a dedicated folder named "RAW" in the "/boot/home" directory where I've put some RAW photos I've done in the past.
Select the corresponding folder and click on the "+" button :
The folder is now added in the "Places" for RawTherapee :
If you look in the center area of RawTherapee, you will see previews of all your photos like below :
As RawTherapee is a software dedicated to enhance your photos, it will propose all the features a photographer will need.
One of them is the possibility to adjust the exposure of your photos :
You can adjust as well the "black" or the "lightness" in case you need to focus only on these parameters:
The tone curve can be adjusted also, for any fine tuning :
You can change also the white balance, in case you would like to make your photo warmer or colder.
Below the temperature has been adjusted to have a photo a little bit warmer :
You can also crop or resize your photo :
The EXIF data provide information such as the DSLR model, the date/time, the GPS information, etc :
If you have many photos, you can decide also to rank them from unrank to 5 stars:
Ok, now let's take the other photo which is about Santa Klaus :
You can select a set of photos and put them in a queue like below :
The queue tab let you do some format conversion of your photos, including all the changes applied before.
The RAW is to be considered as the photo negative, and it will never be altered.
That's why the conversion phase is necessary in case of RAW photos to a target format.
Below I've decided to convert my RAW photo into a JPEG format :
Then clicking on the queue button, on the top left, launch the conversion process.
The final JPEG image is visible in the tracker :
Let's open it in 100% :
Great it's working fine.
You can now decide to use this enhanced photo for other usages (website, album creation, printing, ...).
RawTherapee also propose a preferences window.
You can check each tab for all the details :
In case you need to have the maximum space used on your screen for photo editing, you can switch to the full screen mode:
RawTherapee is really a great software if you are a photo enthusiasm.
If you would like to learn more on it, you can check the RawTherapee official website.