Play OutRun

Play OutRun

  • mdo  DigitalBox
  •   Gaming
  •   November 11, 2024

Last time, we have reviewed how to play Super Bomberman on Haiku.

Today, we will see how to play OutRun, which was a famous game released by Sega in the 1980's.

As a reminder, you must own a legal copy of the game to have the right to do some retrogaming with it.


If you do not have already setup your Haiku system to do retrogaming, please read the article about Retrogaming under Haiku.

Next, you need to install the genesis retro lib. In HaikuDepot search for "genesis" in the "all packages" tab :

Then select "genesis_plus_gx_libretro" and proceed with install.

After that, place your ROM into the “/boot/home/ROMs/snes” folder :

As it was the case with Super Bomberman, be sure to setup also your controller bindings inside RetroArch, and to download the media associated to OutRun in Emulation Station (scrapping part).

Emulation Station

Launch Emulation Station and select the "Sega Genesis" system :

Select the "OutRun" game :

Use the "X" control to view the media of the game. You should see this screenshot as the first media :

Hit the Up arrow to access the PDF manual :

The "A", "B" and "C" controllers will be useful for the brake, the accelerator and to shift gears :

As indicated in the manual, the gear indicator, speedometer, time remaining and score are displayed on the screen :

Various highways are also available in the game and the "Coconut Beach Boulevard" is the first stage :

The controller pad for the Sega Genesis is also visible in the manual :

We are good to go :)

Play !

When the game start, you need to select the "Start" controller :

If you select the options for the game, you can change the level of difficulty, the "A", "B", "C" controllers or the meter (kmh / mph) :

Once you select to start the game, you can select the music which will be played in your car :

The show can start !

Hit the "B" controller to make your car accelerate.

The "L" symbol indicate the lower gear and the "H" symbol the high gear.

You can reach 293 mph when using the high gear of your car :

If you drive quick enough, you should be able to reach the stage 2 :

The landscape will change accordingly :

As you can see, each time you reach the end of a stage, you can select the left road or the right road until the final stage (from a to e below):

And if you reach a high score, you can indicate your name in the hall of game : )

Did you play that game in the past ?

If so share your comment below :)

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