Last week, we have reviewed how to setup Haiku to do retrogaming.
We will review how to play on the SNES version of Super Bomberman on our favorite system :)
As a reminder, you must own a legal copy of the game to have the right to do some retrogaming with it.
We will suppose you have already setup your Haiku system to do retrogaming.
If it's not the case, please read the article Retrogaming under Haiku.
To play with SNES games, you must install the "snes9x_libretro" package :
Now, place your ROM into the "/boot/home/ROMs/snes" folder :
Ok we can move to the setup phase :)
It's important to setup correctly your keyboard to be used with RetroArch.
Let's see how to do this.
Launch RetroArch and select "Settings>Input" :
Validate by "enter".
Select "RetroPad Binds" :
Choose "Port 1 Controls" :
Now for each of the controls below, attach it to a key :
The screenshot above is my keyboard setup, but you can change according to your preferred bindings.
Ok, now let's setup the keyboard under "Emulation Station Desktop Edition" (ES DE).
Launch ES DE from the Terminal :
es-de --resolution 800 600
Hit "Esc" for the main menu and select "Input device settings" :
Select "Configure keyboard and controllers" :
Then hit "Proceed" :
Now configure each key to each control :
Important : the "A" control can be used to "bypass" one key binding under Emulation Station. By default it's "Enter". I suggest to keep the default:
So if you don't want any digital pad setup (ie thumbstick), hit the "A" binding ("Enter") during a few seconds to bypass the corresponding key binding :
The corresponding control will be "not defined" and you can hence move to the next binding. Great the keyboard setup is now completed !
As you can notice, some buttons will allow to access extra features like "View Media" (X) or "Favorites" (Y) :
We will review that later.
When you are in the main menu, hit "Esc" :
It will display the main menu :
Select "Scraper" :
Then "Scrape these systems" :
Then tick "Nintendo SNES" with enter key and then "Back" :
Then select "Start" to start retrieving media :
The media for the game are now downloaded. Next select "Back" :
And hit "Esc" to go back to the main screen.
The media for games include screenshots, mini video with music, but also game documentation (if available).
For instance, when you select the "Super Bomberman" game, hit the "X" control to view the media :
The first media displayed is a screenshot :
Hit the "Pad Up" control to access the PDF manual :
You will have the details on how to play a battle game :
But also the various bonuses available in the game (items below) :
Now, let's play ;)
When you are in the main screen, select the Nintendo SNES system :
Then select the "Super Bomberman" game and hit "enter" :
After a few seconds, the game will start. Select the battle mode and hit "enter" :
Define which player will be human ("man") or computer ("com") :
Select the number of matches to define the winner :
And start !
According to the PDF manual, the "A" control will set a bomb in the game:
You can now fully have fun in the game :
Congratulations, you can now appreciate the Super Bomberman retrogaming under your Haiku system :)