ScummVM emulation

ScummVM emulation

  • mdo  DigitalBox
  •   Gaming
  •   March 3, 2025

We have already talked about retrogaming on Haiku Insider in the detailed articles named Retrogaming under Haiku or in DOSBox Emulation.

For whose you like point-and-click retro games, there's a nice alternative on Haiku named ScummVM.

Let's review how to use it.

You can install ScummVM very easily via Haiku Depot.

For that type "scum" in the search field and select "All packages" :

Then proceed with the installation.

Before launching ScummVM, you need to create the config folder "scummvm" because it's missing in the package installation.

Open a Terminal and type :

mkdir -p /boot/home/config/settings/scummvm

We are now ready to start:)

Launch ScummVM.

The first time the application is opened, the default below screen is displayed :

As a reminder, you must own a legal copy of the game to have the right to do some retrogaming with it.

In order to add a new game to play with, click on the "Add Game" button  :

Then select the folder where the game's files are installed.

Below is the folder for the game "Beneath a steel sky" :

If the game is recognized, it will be added as below :

Click on the settings button :

You can decide to change the keymaps in the tab below :

Note : F5 is an important shortcut in ScummVM as it will open the control panel to let you save games easily.

The paths tab indicate where the game is located on your system :

Let's start by clicking on the play button on the game :

The intro of the game will start with a nice music :

Beneath a steel sky is a cyberpunk adventure from 1994.

You play Robert Foster, a man taken from the dystopian city of Union City.

After escaping you must uncover the truth about your past. 

The story start on the below platform :

The below rung is useful to open the door on the right :

The icon menu on the top will appear when the mouse is moved :

Select the rung and put it on the door :

You open the door and your adventure can now start :)

Hitting F5 during the game opens the control panel :

Click on the save button.

Then type the name of the game to save :

Thus, you can continue later when needed :)

You can continue to play the game, and if not just click on the Quit button :

And confirm :

If you would like to know which point-and-click games are compatible with ScummVM, you can check the official ScummVM website :

Happy retro-gaming :)

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