DeskNotes is a tool to put sticky notes as replicants on the Desktop.
To install it, go to Haiku Depot and type "desknotes" in the search field :
Select the DeskNotes entry and proceed with the installation.
The first time the application is launched, the below window is displayed :
If you need to create a new note, just drag and drop the replicant icon on the bottom left of the window :
Then edit the content of the replicant.
You can also change the color of the note :
To finalize a note, you can resize it :
You can also move the note to the desired position on the desktop up to the replicant icon.
In case you need to delete a note, select the "Remove replicant" entry from the pop-up menu on the replicant icon:
When you restart the system, all your notes will be visible on the desktop as per below :
Nice isn't it ?
In case you need a quick access to the DeskNotes application, right-click on a note and select "Launch DeskNotes" :
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Just put it below :)