If you would like to make some image edition under Haiku, you can use the native applications like ArtPaint or WonderBrush.
However, I will talk in this article about the GNU Image Manipulation Program, known as GIMP, which has been ported to Haiku.
In order to install GIMP, go into HaikuDepot and search for "gimp" in the "All packages" tab :
Select the GIMP entry and proceed with installation.
The first time you launch the program, the main window below will be displayed :
Let's suppose you would like to change the format and size of an Haiku logo picture.
For that open the file via the "File>Open" menu :
Then select the picture you would like to modify and confirm with "Open" :
As you can see the picture is now displayed in Gimp :
In order to change the picture's size, select "Image>Scale Image" :
You can select how you would like to change the size : in percent ("%") or in pixel: Let's select a decrease of 50% :
Yes, the size has been changed :
Now to change the format, select "File>Export As" :
The extension in the filename will indicate in which format the image will be exported.
As you can see there are many different kind of image formats in Gimp :
You can select the jpeg format indicated by the ".jpg" extension :
Select the quality of the image and confirm :
The change of an image format and size is only a small part of what the tool can do.
Gimp can be used for any kind of image modification.
Here is a very quick overview of the possibilities.
In the "Image" menu, you can indicate how you would like to transform your image.
For instance if you need to flip or rotate the image, it's possible:
The "Layer" part is an important feature of Gimp, as it will let you edit your image in several layers :
The "Colors" is there to manipulate the color of your picture like temperature, balance, saturation, exposure... :
The "Tools" part is to select part of an image and make some transformations in it:
Finally the "Filters" part will let you make some special effects on your picture like blur, pixelization, distortion, ... :
The current version as of today available in Haiku is the below :
Do you want to know more about Gimp ?
You can check the "Tip of the Day" inside Gimp :
Or better, you can check the documentation and various tutorials available on the official Gimp docs website.